“American Primeval” is a six-part Western miniseries that premiered on Netflix on January 9, 2025. Created by Mark L. Smith and directed by Peter Berg, the series delves into the tumultuous and violent era of the American West, focusing on the Utah Territory in 1857. It explores the fierce clashes among Indigenous peoples, white settlers, and Mormons, highlighting the complex interplay of culture, religion, and survival during this period.
Sara Rowell (played by Betty Gilpin) and her son Devin (Preston Mota), who, while escaping their troubled past, form an unlikely family in the unforgiving frontier. With guidance from Isaac (Taylor Kitsch) and Two Moons (Shawnee Pourier), they navigate a perilous and morally complex environment. The series also brings historical figures to life, including Brigham Young (Kim Coates) and Jim Bridger (Shea Whigham), enriching its portrayal of historical events.